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Artists-in-Residence Program

Bringing Art Education to Local Schools

Our Artists-in-Residence Program is designed to bring high-quality arts education to local schools, providing students with the opportunity to develop their creative and life skills through art.


Empowering Students with Arts Education


We understand that not all students have access to the benefits of arts education. Our Artists-in-Residence Program addresses this need by embedding skilled, professional teaching artists in schools, creating a vibrant and inclusive learning environment that supports students' artistic development and self-expression.


Artscope's teaching artists work closely with schools to tailor their arts education programs to the unique needs and interests of each student body. Through our Artists-in-Residence Program, students gain valuable skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and perseverance, all while exploring their own creativity and artistic potential.


Partner with Artscope and Bring an Artist-in-Residence to Your School


If you're interested in bringing an Artscope teaching artist to your school, we'd love to start a conversation with you. Please contact us at to discuss the possibilities and learn more about our Artists-in-Residence Program.


Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of students in our community by providing them with the opportunity to discover their creativity and artistic talents. Join us in our mission!


Artscope is a 501(c)3 public charity listed with the IRS under the legal name South City Open Studio and Gallery for Children. Donations are tax deductible.


Phone: 314.865.0060

Registered Charity: 43-1924074

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